How to make sure that your child learn better in a virtual education system

The whole world is suffering from Pandemic as a precautionary measure, Governments across the world have shut down schools and encouraged online classes. There were initial hiccups but this became the new normal with due course of time.
Schools and colleges are only just buckling down to the task of creating online syllabus, assignments and activities that will keep the new academic year going smoothly. It is difficult at times to make your child sit in front of laptop/tab. As a parent, there’s much you can do by engaging with your child’s new system of distance learning – making learning fun.
# Space
It’s important to be flexible in designing learning spaces. While a quieter room or corner can be set aside for more serious studies and online tests, household items like cardboard boxes and pillows can help transform boring home spaces into creative corners for arts and craft learning. Keep the colour of study room in lighter shade as they are said to enhance the learning power of the students.
# Breaks and creativity
The attention span of humans are decreasing day by day. Scientists have confirmed that breaks help improve students’ attention span. Breaking lessons into smaller, more manageable chunks helps them focus better and use their energies better. Discussions, art work and creative writing can be more productive than rote learning techniques, particularly when a child is not surrounded by peers. Encouraging older children to teach younger siblings can also work wonders when friends may be in short supply during home schooling.
# Encourage struggle
Allowing children to struggle productively and to wrestle with problems by themselves before intervening can help in boosting their self-confidence. Keep a balance between praise and constructive criticism. Too much praise can also make them risk averse or diffident to try challenging things. It is good to encourage them to engage in household activities like cooking or organising which can develop problem-solving skills.
# play is important!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Music, art, drawing, and dance are highly engaging activities that also improve language skills, mental focus, empathy, and creativity. Apart from these, board games or unstructured play in the backyard with proper social distancing will help maintain a semblance of a normal childhood. When online school is over for the day, encourage children to play outside in the sunlight if they can. Encourage them to share their feelings and to check on the well-being of others around them.
Net etiquette
As a parent, take part in play and keep in touch with their friends, it brings heightened risks for children’s safety, protection and privacy.
# Internet can be a friend or foe based on how it is used. Discuss the dangers of the internet with children so that they know what they should be aware of and guard against, particularly on video platforms.
# There are many parental control software available on internet. You can set up parental controls on their net enabled devices to reduce online risks.
# Be prepared and aware of cybercrime helpline numbers, just in case of cyberbullying or an incident of inappropriate content online.
Tags: online education for kids, online learning for children