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Terms & Conditions

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Terms and conditions Wizdo Training and Consulting Pvt Ltd

  1. Definitions:Event:
    The actual occurrence of the recreational activity / training.

The participants to the Event

Wizdo Training and Consulting Pvt Ltd.

  1. Applicability
    All bookings accepted by us and arrangements made by us are subject to these terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions prevail over the terms and conditions of the participant.
  2. Obligations to the Client
    We act as organisers. We are not the direct supplier of the accommodation and activities which make up your travel arrangements, unless agreed otherwise. We are obliged and commit ourselves to carry out the event in a responsible manner and will try to select the best suppliers. We do not arrange transportation of persons or goods
  3. Obligations of the Client
    The Participants have to behave in a responsible manner during all activities so as to uphold our good name and reputation. We hold the right to cancel the Event or elements thereof in the event that the Participants do not adhere to any warnings issued by us or our supplier. In such case, the participant will be held fully responsible for payment of the activity as well as for potential damages and consequently no refund will be payable. The participant confirms that the Event takes place and that the Participants will participate in the Event at their own risk and responsibility and all our other terms and conditions which may reasonably be deemed to be relevant for the Participants, such as, but not limited to:
  • Restrictions on the use of alcohol and drugs and smoking cigarettes;
  • The observance of instructions during the Event;
  • The physical suitability for participation in the Event;
  • The responsibility to participate in an Event on the level of someone’s personal skills and experience;
  • The obligation to sign on the spot of the Event, a waiver form with regard to damages and liability, if required;.
  • The possible last minute cancellation of an outdoor Event in case of extreme weather conditions, if the organizer of the Event so decides.
  1. Offers
    All offers are valid for days mentioned in from the offer date, subject to availability, and will thereafter expire without the option of appeal if they are not accepted in writing within this period.
  2. Invoicing and payment conditions
    - The participant will ensure that our invoice is paid before the Event takes place.
    - If payment has not been received on the day before the Event, we hold the right    to cancel your entry to the Event.
    - In the event that an Event has taken place and the participant has not yet paid,      the participant will be in breach of the terms and conditions of this contract and      we hold the right (i) to refer the case to a debt collection agency, with all costs in    relation thereto payable by the participant
  3. Responsibility/Liability
    - In spite of our careful selection of suppliers, we cannot be held responsible for   the execution of the Event by the supplier(s). More specifically, we cannot be   held liable for any other damage than direct damage suffered by the participant, if   proven to be as a result of our gross negligence or our wilful misconduct. Our liability will be limited to the maximum amount of the agreed event.
    - We cannot be held liable for any damages of whatsoever nature, property loss, injuries or death caused or suffered by a Participant who was under influence of alcohol or any other drugs.

- We cannot be held liable for any damages of whatsoever nature, property loss, injuries or death caused or suffered by a Participant who did not follow up instructions and safety guidelines instructed by us or our supplier.

- The participant will indemnify us for claims from third parties with respect to damages to companies or individuals brought about by the Participant to the Event.
The participant will reimburse us for all costs incurred in relation to any damages brought about by a Participant.

  1. Circumstances outside our control
    - We will not be held liable in the event that an Event or part of an Event cannot take place due to circumstances outside our control, such as, but not limited to cancellation of the Event by the party contracted by us that should carry out the Event or part of it or illness of the majority of our personnel or national strikes, including but not limited to public transport strikes.
    - In the event that an Event or part of an Event cannot be carried out, we will do our utmost to find a suitable alternative for the participant.

- In the event that an Event or part of an Event arranged by us cannot take place due to circumstances outside our control, we hold the right to postpone or cancel our event without any legal or financial liability towards the participant or any third party unless stated by law. In such case, the agreed financial and/or legal liability rests with the participant.

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